Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shattered like a window with a sliotar in it

So what have I been up to since Orientation Week. It’s been some hectic 2 weeks since I last checked in.
Keep an eye out in the Union for life size Kelly, Derek, Tara, Aoife and Paddy’s on the wall. They should be going up early next week!

This week is student safety week so keep an eye out for the videos Paddy is making on our YouTube channel
All of the Freshers gigs are going fantastic. Lastnight and Monday sold out really fast. I was on MnM duty on Monday so only got to drop into the foam party for a small bit. It was savage and there were lots of people walking around soaked to the skin. FANTASTIC buzz in the Stables. The UV Paint Party in the Lodge was one of the best nights I’ve had in the last few years. I was wandering round writing and drawing all sorts on people and had to spend half an hour in the shower when I got home (then had a meeting at 9:30 this morning). There are about 500 tickets left for tomorrow’s gig with S Club, 5ive, Mr.Hudson followed by Silent Disco in the Courtyard and Transmitter in the Stables.
There are a number of issues raising their head at the moment. My main priority for the coming week is to bring you with me on the journey to a more inclusive Union. Though what we’re proposing is a vast improvement on what is already in place, we still need to be more accountable to students. We hope that the new Council if passed will increase accountability and make the Union run smoother. The VP Academic and Registrar is supportive of the plan and if it passes will be backing us to have that open access policy with heads of department.
Sports facilities for clubs have been raised at one or 2 levels and I met with the Sports Administrator to get an update on these. Part of the solution will have to be early morning training sessions as more and more clubs become more active. The extra goalposts have been removed from the astro behind the Arena now that the north campus pitches are open; this is to spare the astro damage from the goalposts being dragged across them. Much like the Arena, the north campus will have student pricing for any groups of students who want to use them for class games etc. This is yet to be finalised and I’ll be sitting in on a meeting where the proposals go forward.
A lot of the issues I’m currently hearing are budget caused issues.
I want to thank our MnMs for being so great in the estates the last few weeks. A reminder that you can be brought in front of Discipline even for things you do off campus if you are a UL student. I don’t want to see anyone suspended or expelled, so keep the noise down moving through the estates after 9pm and respect your neighbours.
Our General Manager's mentor was in yesterday too and had really productive meetings with almost everyone working in the Union building. He's been a manager of lots of students' unions for a number of years and is really impressed by ULSU. We have some issues to resolve, but we'll get there. It might not be this year, next year or the year after for some of them, but we'll be consistently improving.
I also joined some societies last Wednesday at the brilliant recruitment drive. When we have numbers for how many of you got involved I’ll let you know.
First Council was lastnight and went really well. It was a bigger turnout than usual for a Week 2 Council.
It’s been hectic round here. Still is. But I don’t think I’d have it any other way. Plus I'm pretty much hooked on this song....I know

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