Students will be aware the ULSU has been reviewing its operations for a number of months now. The latest in the series of refocusing efforts was decided last Thursday evening.
Meetings of the Board of ULSU Services Ltd and of ULSU Executive took place and it was agreed that ULSU will cease to be a retail operator at the earliest opportunity. This decision was agreed on the basis that ULSU is not a retail expert at the level required to operate convenience retail services at the capacity to which it has expanded, much larger than the initial shop which was located in the archway between the Student Centre and the Main Building.
The shop in the Student Centre will be run by ULSU until a new tenant has been found. The tenancy with Plassey Campus Centre (University subsidiary with responsibility for retail) has expired and it is not the intention of ULSU to seek to renew it, but rather to focus its efforts on representation and ordinary students' union activities.
Plassey Campus Centre will put the service out to tender in the coming weeks and the successful tender will take over the running of the convenience store ULSU at the earliest possible opportunity. This agreement was reached on the understanding that on-going income would be sourced as part of the deal.
While there is a potential income stream from continued operation, this is not guaranteed. The risk is too large for ULSU to bear as a member orineted organisation. There have been issues in the past which may not have occurred had an experienced retail operator with full support services been in control.
This move will free a significant amount of time within the Union to focus on more pertinent issues, particularly for the General Manager and future Presidents.
I'll blog later on other issues that have arisen in recent weeks, but this matter is now at a point where a successful outcome has been achieved through the hard work of the Board, in particular the Chairman. I must also commend the General Manager and Accountant for their work to date in exploring options.
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